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Monday, December 29, 2008

Episode 99 - "Scanning Old Photos"

A quick podcast to close out the year, commenting on my latest side-interest of getting hundreds (probably thousands) of old family snapshots scanned. How should I do it? Does it even matter? Give a poor podcaster some advice -- call 206-339-3742 (206-339-ERIC) and let me know what you think!

Monday, December 01, 2008

Ericast 98 - "Building the Tree"

Has anyone noticed that we're closing in on "Episode 100"? Wow. Call and let me know what you think of that, if nothing else. 206-339-3742 (which spells out "206-339-ERIC" on your telephone keypad).

Discussion this week starts out with geneology-related things (like and before moving forward to Matt's calls from a few weeks ago about job/career progress and politics/spirituality.

Fun, fun stuff. Enjoy!