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Saturday, July 29, 2006

Ericast 73 - "Expensive 'Free' Things"

[NOTE: This is sitting on an server after having tons of trouble working with their upload tool (which was necessary only because our web server at work isn't serving web pages at the moment). So let me know if this file comes through -- standard contact methods of 206-339-ERIC or e-mail eric at]

This week we have a random discussion of poor marketing "premiums", eminent domain, and the Swiss Mime group MUMMENSCHANZ. Really. We somehow manage to work all that into one show!

I got so passionate about this week's marketing-related topic that I decided to throw caution to the wind and create a contest. For the record, here's what I said:

"Here's an Ericast contest for you. It's a two-part contest. First, you have to tell me what the contest should be. And then, from those submissions, we will take the best submission for what you think the contest should be, we will hold the contest, and I will invest $.39 and I will mail you this coupon, to the winner of this contest. And then you, too, can buy some Land O' Lakes stuff, and take their proofs of purchase and four dollars of your hard-earned money, and send it in to get yourself a pencil case. You won't believe it until you see it in your hands!"

So, part one begins now: Let me know what kind of contest I should hold, so that I can give away this genuine pencil case coupon.

Questions/comments/praises? 206-339-3742 or e-mail them to eric at!

Saturday, July 22, 2006

[Ericast Update On-The-Road] 7/22/2006 11:13:07 PM

this is an audio post - click to play

Posted by emlarson to Ericast Update On-The-Road at 7/22/2006 11:13:07 PM

Ericast 72 - "Tearing Things Down"

A brief episode this week, talking about the fact that life in the suburbs means that buildings get torn down in less than a couple decades.

Note that I'm using a different microphone this week (because I left my usual one up in the office at work), and this is posted late because the Ourmedia servers refused to accept the file and we were doing a server swap this weekend and my usual server was down. So, basically, nothing is as it should be... and yet, here I am, podcasting as always!

Any comments/concerns/feelings/missives can be directed at 206-339-ERIC (that's 206-339-3742) or e-mailed to me (eric) at Enjoy!

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Ericast 71 - "Finding my Voice"

I wish I could say that this episode is some sort of deep introspection about the purpose of the Ericast... but, instead, it commemorates the task of actually managing to get my voice working enough to speak tolerably. Nothing like a summer cold to liven things up. But, dedicated podcaster that I am, you -- the equally dedicated listener -- get an episode! Enjoy!

And be sure to e-mail or call 206-339-ERIC (206-339-3742) with comments!

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Episode 70 - "Mikael, Part 2"

The long-awaited "Part 2" of my interview with performer extraordinaire Mikael Rudolph (info at

This part of the interview talks about Mikael's show "Swim Home", its Christian perspective/context/overtones, and Mikael's political views -- in general, what it means to be "Christian" and "politically active" in this country today.

Much different from Part 1, and equally interesting (in my opinion)!

Because time was short, we weren't able to talk in detail about additional resources that you, the dedicated listener, might want to browse if you're intrigued by Mikael's comments. But he was good enough to forward the following list of "recommended reading", so-to-speak:

  • The Project for a New American Century's own published plans for global domination with signers Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowicz, Perle, John Bolton, Jeb Bush and a number of other now Bush Administration officials and/or corporate cronies.
  • Independent journalist Greg Palast - an American working for the BBC
  • Independent journalist Dahr Jamail (a great source of REAL truth from Iraq)
  • Seymour Hersh (maybe the greatest living journalist in my opinion)
  • The writings of William Rivers Ritt
  • Countdown with Keith Aldermann
  • The website of House Representative John Conyers, Jr.
  • AlterNet
  • Truthdig
  • Progressive Democrats of America
  • The New York Times
  • The Washington Post
  • The London Times
  • British Broadcast Company
  • Canadian Broadcast Company
  • Veterans for Peace
  • Veterans for Peace and Justice
  • Iraq Veterans Against the War
  • Amnesty International
  • The American Civil Liberties Union
  • Minnesota DFL Party
  • People for the American Way
  • Harper's Weekly
  • School of the Americas Watch
  • Act for Change
  • Public Campaign Action
  • The Colbert Report OF COURSE!!!
  • The Late Show with John Stewart
  • Air America Radio
  • Working Assets
  • Working Families e-activist Network
  • Amy Goodman's Democracy Now! is very dry, but she is incredibly brilliant and cuts to the core of the news
  • Original documents on the web including very personal correspondence between ENRON criminal Ken Lay and the President
As I mention in the podcast, I agree with about 90% of what Mikael is saying, and it's up to you to figure out the other 10%... so I'm not necessarily endorsing the above references. But if you're intrigured by what Mikael has to say in this episode, you now have some reading that you can do!
As always, if you have any questions/concerns/comments/thoughts, call 206-339-3742 (206-339-ERIC) or e-mail eric at And thanks for listening!