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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Ericast 178 - Tom on Charity

For a variety of reasons I've had the topic of "charitable giving" on my mind lately. In what might be a short series (or, who knows -- maybe a one-shot episode if nobody responds?), this week we feature an interview with Tom Oscanyan (long-time occassional Ericast interview subject) as we discuss the "business" of giving to charities.

What do you think? Are we spot-on? Off-base? Other-hyphenated-things? Let us know with a message on the Listener Feedback Line: 206-339-3742 a.k.a. 206-339-ERIC. Or, if you must approach this in a textual form, send an email to me (eric) at

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Ericast 177 - The Trebuchet Experience

A special episode for Chad which, I realized after recording, doesn't exactly capture the whole experience of watching a huge trebuchet firing in someone's backyard.

It was cool. Really, really cool. Does that help?


Olympus WS-320M (which I'm using to record this episode) (where I got inspiration for car-recording from Phil Wilson)
Obituary for Tom Keith (sound effects man from A Prairie Home Companion)
Trebuchet information
Vintage (circa 2000) site of NOVA's Trebuchet project
Video (not mine) of the Trebuchet event I attended

Questions? Want more details? Give a call to the Listener Feedback Line -- 206-339-ERIC (a.k.a. 206-339-3742) and leave a message!

Sunday, November 06, 2011

Ericast 176 - Matt's Custom Show

Don't worry -- the rest of you are welcome to listen as well! But, holding to my promise last week that I'd steer the show in whatever direction you, the listener, would like to steer it... and Matt's call to the Listener Feedback Line (206-339-3742) kicks us off!

So, in a way, this is "Matt's show" per his requested topics. Discussion this week: my standards on Facebook posts, antidisestablishmentarianism, my new domain purchase, and my photo scanning technologies.

Questions? Ideas? Call 206-339-ERIC (a.k.a. 206-339-3742) and share!

Thursday, November 03, 2011

Ericast 175 - Dark October Skies

Yes, I'm back! Please tell me you're still listening! Call 206-339-3742 (a.k.a. 206-339-ERIC) right now with a "welcome back!" or a "where have you been?" message.

Topics of this episode? How about autumnal "excitement" that's separate from home life, Facebook etiquette, God as a vending machine, jubilee years, the Year 2000, Amethystium, amethyst,, The Outernet, "space music" vs. "new age" music, philosophy, Orion, astronomy, ISS sightings, Fitbit, scanning, birthdays, hamsters, heating vs. air conditioning, domain names,, local candid photography, and "two-thousand twelve" vs. "twenty twelve" decision points. And I didn't even mention my renewed vigor in FTA satellite television.

That's quite a summary of my life overall, isn't it? Let me know what you think -- 206-339-3742 with any and all thoughts or responses.