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Monday, September 19, 2005

Ericast 29 - "Podcast Pictures, Revisited"

A hearty "Yo!" and "Word up!" to my dedicated listeners... and my not-so-dedicated ones, who I love just as much and deeply and heart-feltly. (Yeah, I'm running short on sleep.)

Lots of fascinating miscellaneous topics this week, including:

You know, I just realized that I inadvertently reverted to our original show-notes format. Cool!

P.S. Somewhere in there, you'll here my commentary on promiscuous fish. Keep your ears open.


  • Hey thanks for the references to the show. I'll try not to talk over my opening anymore.

    BTW: works but that day you tried the host screwed up the DNS and was pointing it to a different site. It should be straight now.


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:38 AM  

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