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Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Ericast 112 - "Selling My Dream"

The only thing saving this show from the scrap heap of the Recycle Bin is my dedication to you, the Ericast listener. Or viewer. Neither experience is optimal this week; too stilted for a smooth audio recording, too awkward for pretty video. But the topic conveyed is an important one to me, commemorating the death of a dream:


Speaking of communication and contact and discussion... do get in touch with me here at the Ericast, even if it's just to say "Hi! I'm listening!" You can call 206-339-3742 and leave a message (quick and painless), or drop an e-mail to me (eric) at And to clarify that e-mail address, in case it's its cryptic anti-SPAM phrasing here that's keeping you from successfully sending something... you type in the letters e, r, i and c, followed by an "at" sign, and then the domain of "Very simple, very easy" as Chef Tell used to say.
Does anyone remember the late Chef Tell from PM Magazine? Does anyone remember PM Magazine, even? Write or call and let me know!


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