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Sunday, October 10, 2010

Ericast 149 - Inappropriate Vocal Inflection

Recorded on Friday -- I'm feeling much better now, thanks! -- this is an example of what happens when a cold goes bad. And, as I mention in the podcast, this isn't a fake voice; it really is "the new normal" when I get a cold like this. (And now that it's Sunday, I'm fairly normally "normal" again.)

Pretty much the entire episode is tongue-in-cheek, so if we were able to all gather together and listen as a drunken group, we'd all be laughing hysterically. But that's not the case, so you're probably going to sit alone in your car or office (or home) and thing that this is really strange or sad.

Nothing too deep or comment on... but if you want to say anything, call 296-339-3742 (a.k.a. 206-339-ERIC) or e-mail me (eric) at


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