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Ericast 290 - Upcoming Podcast Episodes
Yes, I've been gone awhile. But it's not like I don't have things to talk about. Maybe that's why I've been gone awhile. Want the scoop? Here's your show.
Website viewers: Click here to listen to this week's episode!
Podcast listeners: Click here for a link to the show notes page!
Everyone: Call 701-645-ERIC (701-645-3742) and comment
Thanks, anonymous person, for the text message of encouragement! This episode is a list/discussion/monologue of some potential future episodes (proving that I really do have topics in store... "the list of episodes is strong but the podcasting motivation is weak"?)
Questions? Ideas? Call 701-645-ERIC (a.k.a. 701-645-3742) and let me know!
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