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Sunday, December 04, 2005

Ericast 40 - "Sounds like... Infringement?"

Lucky Episode #40 sounds a whole lot better than unlucky #39, let me tell you! So, the question for this week's episode is... when does "homage" turn into "infringement"? (And, when can a podcaster use Fair Use doctrine to quote music for the puposes of review or criticism without getting himself sued? I'm hoping that's a rhetorical question.)

I decided to tag my referenced sites in, so you can see this week's show tags (and upcoming ones) at -- and that also means that you can see other things I've tagged by dropping the "ericast" off of that.

(I started a little project to move all my miscellaneous bookmarks over to so I wasn't maintaining bookmark lists on several separate computers and multiple browsers. I got through "B" on one computer. Not good.)

Remember, e-mail me (eric) at, or call our listener feedback line at 206-339-3742 (spell out ERIC if you forget the 3742 part) and let us know what you think!


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