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Monday, October 08, 2012

Ericast 195 - Too Much Reminiscing?

Click here to listen to this week's episode!

This week we're talking about memories... and "living in memories," which isn't as crazy as it sounds given that lots of people read novels and science fiction and watch television shows and do all sorts of things that have them "living in things that didn't ever happen and never will."  It's an interesting thing to ponder.

Also, I roll in the Dweeb Thought about trying to fix YouTube audio.  Don't forget that you can get the Dweeb Thought feed piped into you brain, straight from my lips to your ears, by adding to your podcatcher, or just visit at your convenience.

So, any ideas to help me with "cleaning up audio in video?"  Or, what's your take on "healthy reminiscing" vs. too much "living in the past"?  Share your comments by calling 206-339-3742, a.k.a. 206-339-ERIC, or send an email to me (eric) at


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