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Saturday, October 07, 2006

Ericast 77 - "Choose Your Show?"

When I said I was back, I meant it -- two shows in a row after a break means I've set the trend again, right? This week's topic is that "customize your podcast" concept that I briefly mentioned last week. Let me know what you think of it -- 206-339-ERIC (206-339-3742) or e-mail eric at, as always. Enjoy!


  • Eric, the show segmentation is a good idea. IRSS encompasses that concept, but I'm not sure it's as elegant as you laid it out.

    Good luck on the C section. Our Twins we're delivered in that manner works like a charm although dad must be much more sensitive with the home duties for a considerably longer period of time.

    By Blogger Albert Maruggi, at 9:03 PM  

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