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Sunday, December 05, 2010

Ericast 157 - Cat-like Management Reflexes

Back on an early-week recording schedule, so I didn't give you much of a breather between the last episode and this one. Apologies, too, that last week's episode had some sort of hiccup in the Feedburner "enclosure-making step" -- I've forced this file into the "enclosures" field of Blogger and might just do that from now on to prevent problems.

Show notes (in random link form)...

Your assignment: Call 206-339-3742 (a.k.a. 206-339-ERIC) and let me know how you think the story of The Cat That Would Be King may (or may not?) relate to my life as you know it.

If necessary, you can e-mail me (eric) at -- but only if you're phone-phobic. Otherwise, give a call to 206-339-ERIC and leave a message...


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