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Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Ericast 162 - Final February Thoughts

In one of those, "Yikes! The month is over!" moments, I figured I'd do a throw-back to the old "Ericast On-The-Road" segments and record this during the commute. It's super-heavily-processed to get rid of the obnoxious road-noise. (That processing then converts the background noise from "noisy rumbling car" to "Eric is recording while wrapped in bubble-wrap and submerged in the ocean"... which may or may not be any better?)

I fully realize that any time you begin a statement (or a podcast) with "I'm not trying to make trouble..." that's probably a sign that you're going to make trouble. But this week's Ericast reaches into the dangerous topic of politics. What I'm looking for, though, is some actual genuine help in trying to figure out the political landscape of the United States today. By picking on the recent chatter about defunding Planned Parenthood, I'm trying to tease out why the major parties believe what they do.

...Because, to this philosophy major, there seem to be some contradictions. And I'm not comfortable around things (or parties) that are internally contradictory.

What do you think? Oh, come on -- you know you have an opinion on this one! Help me out and share it: 206-339-ERIC (a.k.a. 206-339-3742) or email me (eric) at


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