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Monday, June 27, 2005

Episode 17 - "Leadership, Part One"

Here's a "live-to-harddrive" experiment that I actually carried through to the very end... and you, the listener, get to suffer for it. Let me know what you think of the format, because it's a whole lot easier to get a show put together this way... but I don't want it to sound unbearably bad. I can work on improving the sound, but only if you like the much-less-"produced" feel of it.

Speaking of... the sound quality on this leads something to be desired, especially with the rain in the background, which is a cool effect but doesn't make things any clearer. Sorry! I actually ran the compression/hard-limiting/normalizing process on this twice, which leveled things off but really mashed up the audio in the process (technical term).

One final technical element; I normalized this particular recording to -.1 dB rather than -.01 dB, which means that it's slightly less "loud" but also less likely to clip on your MP3 player. I probably shouldn't be experimenting on a recording that's so radically different in so many other ways as well... but, point being, if it sounds "softer", that's probably because of the levels and not the "live" recording.



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